Salam Sejahtera ke Atas mu..

Saturday, December 11, 2010


what a strange feelings..huhuhuh i dont what to say,but i feel so happy...what is this???i cannot describe it in word..but i can feel it in my heart....huhuhuh
wow it seems like familiar feelings to me...but i still cannot figure it
out what it is..
but it is all start with "SHE"...
who is she???what she want???why my face always blushing when i talk to her??
why???why???and why.
there are so many question that play in my mind......
but i still cannot get the correct answer....
then i made my assumption...
mybe i "LIKE" "HER"...
wow....i like her????like???
why am i like her????
does she prety???does she cute???
does she clever???does she has a voice that can shake my heart???
does she??does she???does she???
whats the answer for this question?????
i guest there is no answer for this type of question....
but once again..i make my assumption...
"YES SHE IS" i going to proposed her???
no..not yet....wait until the suitable time....
i will not couple with u.....
but i will marry u....
when u became my wife.........
then we will start our loving phase....
may ALLAH,be with us...
(to someone that i have crush...)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Politic...Yng mane Benar??

Nmpak nye BN(Barisan Nasional) telah memnangi 2 kerusi yng dprtandngkan..of corse sbgai penyokong stia parti ini,aq brase amt bange..yela slaen dpat memprtahankan kerusi di parlimen BATU SAPI,BN jgak brjaye merampas kerusi di dun GALAS dmane sbelom ini dpegang oleh parti PAS.Persoalan nye.....siape yng benar???aq mendhgar ura2 yng mengatekan BN maen kotor...btol ke????well aq x tahu nak ckap ape..tapi kte seloknye trime aje ktntuan ALLAH.btol x???knape prlu diheboh2kan apabila PAS tewas dtngan BN???knape prlu diungkitkan soal ketdakadilan ini???persoalan nye...adakan kte berhak nak tntukan yng BN brmaen kotor???terima la knyataan..jngan la membrukkn lagy name BN..dan jikalo benar skalipun...brsbar la..pasti ALLAH menjanjikan sesuatu dri kekalahn ini...stiap musibah pastu ade hikmah nye kan????so..never lose hope...renung2kan

Sunday, October 31, 2010

New Story

Asalamualaikum...hehehe hye so bwu aq nak update blog aq..heheh yela sbelon nie asyk mlas aje nak update.almaklumla,xde nie bnyak yng aq nak catatkan dlam blog aq nie..yela bnyak perkara yng membuatkan aq terfikir dan ingin luahkan ape yng aq rase.yela ini kan blog nie aje la tmpat untuk aq nak luahkan..
Fuh...tmuduga untk bru sje slesai aq tempuhi..dan semenmang nye satu pengalaman yng amat menarik la bgy aq.brtempat di kolej jururawat ipoh,so aq ngan abh aq(ibu aq x dpat join sbb krusus kt ipoh) bertolak dari umah tepat jam pkul 6 pagy.yela..jauh nak pegy ipoh..lagy pon nak mengelakkn ksesakan lalu lintas.dan sperti biase,aq lew yng je kat kolej tue trus aq ke tmpat peperiksaan.sblom tmuduga kena ambik exam,,,dulu aq pernak pagy skali tmuduga nie,so..dah biase la...cume tmpat ngan tarikh aje yng berbeza.sprti biase jgak,prmpuan lagy rmai dri laki lew.laki cume ade dua orng aje trmasuk aq.exam pon bkan la..susah sngat..just exam minat ajew.277 soalan smuanye.bnyak gak.
after that..time for trpakse la..tngu ikut gliran..dan aq dpat yng paling last sekali..ceh..menungu nie yng wat aq mlas ckit.tapi xpela...nak wat camne kan.tngu punye tngu..akhrnye smpai la giliran aq.mcm biase masuk,ketuk then bagy slam...lpas tue trus duduk kat kerusi.bermula la..interview nye.fuh meng agak mencabar tapi alhamdulilah...smua dpat aq tangani dngan cantik dan bergaye..hehehe(kate ahli politik).yup..mudah2han aq spat la..
sbelon nie aq dah dpat dah..tapi sbb aq dpat twaran matrik,so aq tolak ma nie...tapi diorng masih pangil aq interview la..pegy..kalo xpegy name kena blacklist.
yeah enough pasal inteview...just doakan aq ye...hehehe
ahh aq juge nak ucap taniah kat pasukan kelantan..kerna juara piala malaysia...hehehe yng ade darah klantan berbange jgak la...hehehe
ok pon xde idea nak coretkan..mybe next time
nevet lose hope..salam

Thursday, May 6, 2010


A mother's love determines howWe love ourselves and others.There is no sky we'll ever seeNot lit by that first love.
Stripped of love, the universeWould drive us mad with pain;But we are born into a worldThat greets our cries with joy.
How much I owe you for the kissThat told me who I was!The greatest gift--a love of life--Lay laughing in your eyes.
Because of you my world still hasThe soft grace of your smile;And every wind of fortune bearsThe scent of your caress.

ibu yang bersusah payah melahirkan ku...
tanpa keluh kesah menahan kesakitan...
dan terlerai sudah penderitaan...
apabila menatap wajah anak mu ibu...

Ibu juga yang selalu memberi tnjuk ajar..
membinbingku ketika upsr...
memarahi ku ketika pmr...
dah hasil nye...
5 a dan 8a..
ku tujukan buat mu ibu...

munkin ketika ini..
hati resah melihat keadaan anak mu ibu
tdak mndapat mane2 twaran...
untuk ke menare gading...
tapi percayalah ibu...
aku akan bngkit dari kegagalan ini..
untuk menjadi insan...
menjadi khalifah...
menjadi pemimpin..
yang mampu mencorakkan dunia ini...
dan ketika itu.....

Ayuh kite perbaiki!

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